Katharina Lege, MSc


Position: PhD candidate

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Twitter: @KatharinaLege

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With a background in psychology and clinical neuroscience, I am interested in altered states of consciousness and their therapeutic applications. During my master’s at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg in Germany, my fascination with psychedelic research grew. Organizing journal clubs on related topics and investigating the effects of LSD using neuroimaging in my thesis led me into the field of translational psychotherapeutics. Motivated by the possibilities that drug research offers us when it comes to exploring the human mind, I found my way to Maastricht University. With my PhD project on Cannabinoids, I am using neuroimaging to investigate their impact on brain functioning and consciousness during intoxication. As these substances can have both beneficial and harmful effects, my interest extends to exploring addictive mechanisms and therapeutic potential to promote informed use in recreational and clinical settings.

Katharina Lege, MSc http://pimaastricht.com/ pimaastricht
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