Iva Totomanova, MSc


Position: PhD candidate

Email: iva.totomanova(@)maastrichtuniversity.nl

Instagram: @len.ivva

My name is Iva, I come from Bulgaria, and I am currently working as a research assistant in the Psychopharmacology department, overseeing a few psychedelic studies. Throughout my education I have combined insights from several disciplines, completing my BSc in Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience at University College Utrecht before delving deeper into psychopharmacology during the Research Master in Drug Development and Neurohealth at Maastricht University.

My primary research interest lies in exploring the potential of psychedelics to be used as novel treatment options for a range of psychiatric disorders. Currently, I am focused on examining the capacity of LSD microdoses to alleviate symptoms of adult ADHD - a topic on which I will start as a PhD candidate in January 2025.

Iva Totomanova, MSc http://pimaastricht.com/ pimaastricht
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